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Forums » Forum Games » The Character Below is ...

Ciel (played anonymously)

"I'm quite guilty. I do really appreciate pastries." Ciel smirked a bit. "Specifically chocolate cake."

The character below has a twin brother or sister
Gidget Vulpes (played anonymously)

"I do in fact have a twin brother, though I don't get to talk to him much since he's busy running the family ranch."

The character below is a huge animal lover, like willing to change their whole diet for them.
Grouchy (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"..As long you don’t tell anyone about it, i will."

Despite how he is, he does have a good heart, not hesitating to do the right thing, but he hate how his weaknesses are known by the rest.

The character below isn’t afraid to save the world if needed, no matter of the consequences.
Skeith (played by LunarValravn)

"I do what must be done...." The jackal raises an elegant bottle into the air and peers into the shimmering, liquid sunlight it holds. A tiny shadow resembling an embryo floats within. His brows knit together in thought just before he sets the bottle down with care, fingers curling protectively around it. "What no one else would dare to do for the world's wellbeing."

The character below is afraid of something absolutely outlandish.
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"Outlandish? Like.. Ghosts? It’s.. In a way, i’m afraid, but in another, i feel bad for them.

The ghosts i knew were all alone with no family or friends.

I’m afraid of them when i don’t know them, i’m afraid for them when i know them.."

The character below is very good at storytelling, doesn’t matter to which public is it.
Enoki (played by GingerHades)

"Come gather, gather all around!"

Driving his trusty spear into the ground, Enoki pulls a handmade journal out from underneath his brown poncho. The book is made with leaves strung together by dry strands of grass, illegible chicken scratch scribed into the surface of the leaves.

"I live a very dangerous life in the land of giants," He begins dramatically, flipping through pages. "And I have been left with numerous tales to show for it! My legacy must be known, so have a seat! Allow me to share with you, the greatest tales of Enoki the Giant-Slayer!"

The character below keeps a diary/journal.
Hershel Layton (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"A diary is extremly important, it help me to keep some things in check and improve the situations.

It’s not a personal diary like you could imagine, hovewer, my deductions are important to Scotland Yard.

Promise me you’ll stay out of this, i really cannot let you endangering yourself."

The character below can speak some foreign languages, if not, they are learning them.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"That's what makes me the ultimate jack of odd jobs." Claude smirked and put her hands on his hips. "More languages means more clients. More clients equals sweet hard cash," she explained. Claude showed off her business card that listed the different languages the merc spoke; Tagalog, English, German, Spanish, and Russian. "All in order, hon."

The character below is a expert with advanced technology.
"Aye. Most a the weapons the Autobots use, The Wreckers make et"

the person below knows how to knit
Charlotte Kothinto was about to enter when Fumiko drop kicks her away. "That'd be me!! Genius mechanic and creator of Jujutsu Tech. I hope my child has a dream like mine... Something to drive them forward."

The personal below is an outlier.
Arsene the 3rd (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"Well, duuh, but i’m not telling ya!"

The person below is a good driver or pilot.
Reynard (played by Chaotic)

"I'm not a good driver.

I'm the best driver to ever have graced the wastes with his presence.

…You know, when you think about it, my prices are a steal!"

Reynard smiles.
"Since we're obviously getting a team together for one last job… we'll need someone for the safe, one-armed Jim isn't in business anymore.."

The person below is good at lock-picking and/or safe-cracking
Agent English (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"I learned on my own, i did pretty well so far."

And yet, he locked a lot behind that heavy door behind him, you can hear some calls for help.

The character below can make origamis.
Otoko Kurai Uso-tsuki (played anonymously)

"I can, actually." Otoko spoke up, "I can only make a swan, and a cat, however. I'm working on making a pig next."

"I'm afraid I'm not as good at origami as those in books and social media." Otoko sighed with an awkward smile.

The character below has a threatening/scary nickname, but is actually the opposite and/or a sweetheart
Francis Hockenbury (played anonymously)

"Well, I am a really nice guy even if I am considered a pariah in the unit for my conscientious reasons about the war. One of my many nicknames is Bag 'um, Tag 'um'"

The Character Below is ... over one hundred years old.
"Yes. Not by much"

the person below enjoys gardening
Mia Chen (played anonymously)

Drael Chizkith wrote:
the person below enjoys gardening

"Well, yes I do. I only have a vertical herb garden right now though, and love growing my own. I have a few pepper plants growing as well. Not sure if they will bear fruit yet though."

The Character Below is struggling to pay their bills...
"I live in the barracks, but sometimes my car note is a little steep, but I'm okay right now"

The person plays more than one instrument
Lori Haddicks (played anonymously)

"Indeed I do!" Lori smiled at the Marine. "I play piano, synthesizer, guitar, bass guitar, stand-up bass, cello, violin, and I'm told I can sing as well."

The Character Below is a drummer!

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