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Forums » Smalltalk » AMA: Living with Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic illness that can affect people in a multitude of ways and in varying levels. Some more severe than others. The main symptom widespread pain but that is on the start for most with this illness.
Sanne Moderator

How did you discover you have fibromyalgia, and what's your biggest challenge in day to day life as a result of it?
Eternal_Dream Topic Starter

How I learned I had Fibromyalgia
I went two years going to doctors and they couldn't figure it out. They had me take so many test and labs and kept saying I was fine. Finally a new doctor I had knew something wasn't right had me take a battery of test and sent me to see a rheumatologist. With my results coming back negative for a multitude of diseases it was determined I had fibromyalgia.

My Biggest Challenge in Daily Life

The pain can be almost crippling to the point that I spend days in bed. But something else feels the same in comparison. People don't take the illness seriously or just don't believe it is as bad as you say and that can be extremely hurtful and mentally stressful.
I have Myofascial pain syndrome and I am ruling out a few more tests before we determine if I have fibro or not. I have a lot of worries about it, being how much pain I am in already.

Whats the best way you relieve pain?

Does bumping something that normally wouldn't hurt cause you a lot of pain? I find just bumping into something or lightly whacking my shin hurts 30times more than what I would think.
Eternal_Dream Topic Starter

Pain management varies. If it is fibromyalgia (in my case and for may others) pain medication does not work at all. And the medicine that could work (cymbalta/nerve/depression/anxiety medicine like it). I have had severe reactions to. Now if the above works for you you can still add what I do below to it.

    muscle relaxers: if you have spasms this can really help your muscles ease up.
    Tumeric (add it to food, take it in pill form or find a tea blend)
    Adjust your diet. Fibromyalgia is affected by what you eat. Cut down Breads, pasta, high fructose corn syrup, gluten and the like
    Rest properly. (Setting up a sleep pattern helps) sleep at the same time get up at the same time or at least similar.
    Relax. Meditation or stress relieving tactics. (Fibromyalgia can be aggravated by stress, over extending yourself)
    Exercise (Non-weight baring): this can be extremely tricky and you need to be careful or you could cause yourself to flare or burn out all your energy for the day.
    Relearn your body. You aren't the same anymore accept the changes and adapt

Honestly if the medicine doesn't work for you, you will have some tough days but you can teach yourself to manage and cope. It is not always easy but it is manageable.

To answer your second question sometimes taking a shower feels like I'm being hit with pins and needles. Stubbing my toe feels like it was smashed. The slightest pressure feels like my circulations is being cut off sometimes.

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