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Forums » Smalltalk » AMA: adoptee, discalculia, suicide surviver

Hey. My name's Mike, and I am adopted.

My biological mom and dad were both heavy drug users, and alcoholics. They could never afford to feed or clothe me, and often left me with strangers while they went out to do Gods know what. This resulted in the system taking me away from them and me going into foster care.

When I was three(?) Months old, I was diagnosed with autism, and later when I was 14, ADHD and discalclia. The disability I struggle with most has always been discalclia. In simpler terms, I suck at math. A lot. I can't calculate numbers in my head and I still can't remember basic multiplication problems. My math skill has never grown past 5th grade level, even though me and my parents had tried every curriculum out there. I remember when I was younger, I would just sit at the table and cry because my inability to do math made me feel stupid. That feeling never really left, and my freshman year I had a 0%, a hard F, in math. (Later remidied with an IEP.)

My last big plot point, as you may call it, was my suicide attempt last November. A year ago. I won't go into details over why or how, but I was hospitalized for almost three weeks against my will and released promptly after that.

I'm not the best at summarizing these topics, but I hope I didn't do too bad, lol. Ask me anything, these topics are no longer sensitive for me, so don't worry about wording things delicately.

Have a great day, and blessed be.

Hello Mike, my name's Gevi. It's a pleasure to meet you.

Would you like to tell me why you like writing, and what inspires you?

Blessed you are in the embrace of life, always remember that.
cringyduck Topic Starter

WinterBlackDraoi wrote:
Hello Mike, my name's Gevi. It's a pleasure to meet you.

Would you like to tell me why you like writing, and what inspires you?

Blessed you are in the embrace of life, always remember that.

It's nice to meet you too.

I like writing, mostly because is gives me an escape from every day life, and I can shift my consciousness away from what distresses me and into a different world. I think that the thing that inspires me most is knowing that I can create and do whatever I want, and there are no limits within writing. I like to take things from my everyday life and turn them into something surreal and beautiful.
Thank you for sharing part of your life with us. And I hope you get a great deal of contentment and achievement from your writing.

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