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Forums » Introductions » New to RP repo, old to RP

Hello! I have been around RP scenes, but have never came across Repository. It seems like a very nice place and I'd like to meet some new friends. I go by my pen name/discord name, Veshore. Feel free to message me anytime you're bored or lonely or just want to have a laugh.

I have been writing on and off since I was fairly young, maybe around the time Eragon came out. After going back and forth through forums, I hope to eventually find a place I can stay and enjoy long term, but in the end it's all about the connections we make and the friends we KEEP. I don't like it when I talk to someone every day and they ghost me. If I did or said something wrong let me fix that.

Currently I'm trying to write my own story along with some of my closest IRL friends. If anyone is up for a bit of a critique on my plot-hole filled fantasy adventure, I'd love you for it. Other than that, I'm just looking for long term RPs either in the world I'm trying to build or something completely made up with the characters I've made.
Kenna Ferren (played by Buried_In_A_Book)

Hey, welcome! Still kinda new here myself. 😊 Your pictures look awesome, here and character. What's your favorite style of rp?
Welcome to RPR, Veshore! I hope you enjoy your time here and find some great role plays!

If you haven't already, check out the Find RP tool. It'll give you a random assortment of posts from the Looking for RP forum and will also include active groups in the results.

Hello and Welcome to RP Repository!

Welcome to the community Veshore! Hope you get good friends and a happy online life here!
EndlessWaves Topic Starter

Kenna Ferren wrote:
Hey, welcome! Still kinda new here myself. 😊 Your pictures look awesome, here and character. What's your favorite style of rp?

Thank you! I like your character as well. My favorite style of RP? Hmm.. I mean I like trying to create a story together, whether it be from an already known universe to make some fanfic or something we make together. I just really need to work on my character and setting descriptions! Some people are just so much more poetic than I!
Kenna Ferren (played by Buried_In_A_Book)

Yeah, I feel that, I need to work on mine a little more too.
There's plenty of fandoms that I like that we'd probably both like if you want to try one. Or original story with your OC sounds awesome

Welcome, EndlessWaves. I hope you have a fun time here and make new friends
hello and WELCOME TO RPR!!!!<3<3<3<3

Newbies players welcome and hello, and may I personally welcome you to our website that thousands of people from all over the world come to, and just so you know we are like a family community with each player having their own role I am happy you decided to be in our not so little community I hope you are happy to be here

Returning players welcome back my fellow players I am glad that you have returned and may I say that RPRepository has changed so much that now people all over the world have come to this site, we are a family-friendly community and all ages are welcome to our home away from home,
EndlessWaves Topic Starter

sarah18394729 wrote:
Newbies players welcome and hello, and may I personally welcome you to our website that thousands of people from all over the world come to, and just so you know we are like a family community with each player having their own role I am happy you decided to be in our not so little community I hope you are happy to be here

Returning players welcome back my fellow players I am glad that you have returned and may I say that RPRepository has changed so much that now people all over the world have come to this site, we are a family-friendly community and all ages are welcome to our home away from home,

Thank you (: everyone’s been so nice.
Hello and welcome to the site!

Cheers to making new friends, and here's to having a ton of fun RPs. :)

You are on: Forums » Introductions » New to RP repo, old to RP

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