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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Ravenwood High vs The Rhelm

Adi Izzla (played by Skykitty)

So the idea is a school called Ravenwood High, it’s full of people with powers like demons, angels, vampires, and shapeshifters.

The characters meet at school and become friends. After that they become chosen ones to fight the bad guys that come their way.

The biggest enemy for them all to fight is Realm, he made this thing called the Rhelm of Darkness. He controls and hypnotizes some others to become a strong army and those who are actually the only ones to save the world are the characters that go to Ravenwood.

Rp Rules:

1. Be nice to each other
2. Ask to join first and say what character you may want to use if I don’t like it I will ask you to change it
3. Talk to Skykitty
4. Everyone will be students ages 13-20
5. Every character starts as a freshman
6. No using powers on other students only bad guys please
7.Must use shapeshifters, demons, angels, elementals or vampires

8.Have fun

Adi moaned as the morning sun shown through her window.’Oh boy’, she thought,‘ another day of school’. She sat up in her empty dorm room. The school had a mansion by it full of dorms for the students.

She got out of bed and got on her black T-shirt with a purple bat. She got on some leather pants and her leather boots. She got her black lace gloves and headed out of her dorm. She headed down the stairs and out the front door of the mansion. She turned to see the school.”Thats the miserable place.” She told herself.
I wa wondering if I could join?
Gordon Trask (played anonymously)

((Is this an open RP?))
Adi Izzla (played by Skykitty) Topic Starter

Ah sorta what’s your username?
Adi Izzla (played by Skykitty) Topic Starter

((When you come back just dm me))
Krillian Tawny Naida (played anonymously)

Krillian stood under a semi-shadowy tree on the outskirts of a large modernly styled dormitory, wrapped up in the visual presentation of the surrounding area as well as the placement of windows of each room that she could see. The colour palette mixed with light still bright filtered between clouds and leaves above made her eyes ache to the point of needing to squint. Her thick hair made the already warm air that much more warmer- black being the main choice shade of her outfit also didn't deter the higher temperature either. There was a relatively fresh scent though, most likely from the flora, that made the heat almost comfortable.

A flash of moment caught the young woman's eyes, which brought them down from the glancing at windows to the front of the building, where a single person now stood. Black and purple hair as well as black and purple everything else was as much she could make out from their placements. The brunette shifted slightly at the new addition to the scenery; should she approach and introduce herself? Would that be bothersome? Yet wouldn't it seem odd to stand away? Would it be rude to not introduce herself? A plethora of questions rushed her mind, none bore a straight answer that she could think of. Krillian instead took a few steps forward so she was danced along the tree's shadowy edge, which would hopefully catch the other person's attention, and then handle whatever reaction came after.
Numunu (played by Icyrosyseal)

Numunu darted onto the grounds in a brisk run, a small bead of sweat on her forehead indicating she had ran quite a distance to arrive at the school. She usually preferred to take her time to travel from place to place on bright, warm days such as this one, however this was not an ordinary day for her- in addition to her attendance at Ravenwood starting today, it would also mark her first full day away from her family, provided everything was to go well. Neither the distance she had travelled nor any amount of nervousness could keep a slight spring out of her step as she came to a gradual halt, looking up at the building ahead of her.

She was wearing a short-sleeved light grey shirt in order to appreciate as much of the warm sunlight as possible, and a simple pair of seemingly homemade black trousers. She had a darker grey hoodie tied around her waist and a woven bag slung over her shoulder, a goodbye note still tied to one of the handles. A strawberry hairpin rested on her silver hair as she looked around her, noticing two other students dressed mostly in black standing nearby.


She suddenly felt slightly confused on what to do- the building looked nothing like what she was used to, with most of her time growing up being spent in more foresty areas, making it come across almost daunting to her. Maybe it would be best to approach one of the two figures nearby first? Though she enjoyed exploring, her journey had been rather lonely to someone so used to company, so if nothing else, it would be nice to make some new friends.
Kayley (played by jfo7)

Kayley was out for a morning walk, her nose stock in a book as usual. She looked up and saw she was just about to walk into a tree. She looked around, embarresed to see if anyone saw her but all she saw were a few figures in the distance. She kept her space, as she was shy with people she didn't know.

She walked over to a tree only slightly closer to the figures and started reading again.

((Sorry it isn't that long but at least I finally posted))
Malavon kiro (played by Skykitty) Topic Starter

Malavon peered out the window to see some students have arrived. He shrugged and stayed in his office for a bit longer in case there was someone missing.

Celestria, red faced and out of breath, finally made it to the school she was to be attending. She noticed some others have shown up. Brown haired girl with green eyes sitting by a tree was closer to her than the other figures.

One in the distance closest to the school in black in purple gave Celestria the creeps.’Stay away from that one.’ She thought. She hadn’t known where to go or if any teachers or adults are or were going to be where they were. She figured there would though since it was a school.

Adi spotted some people in the distance. Were they staying away cause of her?’Better keep away from me.’ She inquired and took a seat on the brown oak bench by the school.
Numunu (played by Icyrosyseal)

Numunu's attention darted between the two students ahead of her, her mix of high energy, curiosity and confliction seemingly keeping her too occupied to notice the other students arriving nearby. Her initial indecisiveness of which to approach first did not last long, however, quickly overridden by eagerness as she watched the one further away from her arrive at an oak bench near the entrance of the school and take a seat by herself. Sensing the opportunity to introduce herself to her first new classmate, she made a mental note to herself to be extra hospitable to the other student standing by the tree when they did finally acquaint themselves as she scampered over to the bench where Adi was sat.

"Hey there! Is this seat taken?" She asked happily as she gestured to the empty space on the bench next to her, an oblivious little smile on her face.
Adi Izzla (played by Skykitty) Topic Starter

Adi glanced over to the girl with the seemingly light gray hair and blue eyes. She looked to the bench next to her. Then she looked back at the girl with a slightly evil grin.”Oh no. Please take a seat at your own risk.” She said.
smiles* (can i join)
Bella (played by browneyed67943)

Skykitty Topic Starter

Time to join in here
Celestria Navi (played by Skykitty) Topic Starter

Celestria saw a girl who was seemingly a vampire and thought to speak to her.”Hi.” She said heading to the girls direction.”I’m Celestria what's your name?”
Krillian Tawny Naida (played anonymously)

Krillian had seen various amounts of movement and interactions going on inside the semi-clearing just outside the institution for the last short while as she stood off to the side, originally out of sight for the most part according to herself and the logic that brought her that conclusion not so long ago, eventually becoming too focused on one section of exchange on one side to the point of almost completely missing another until the very last second. Snapping her head to the direction of a female voice the vampire gave the woman a quick glance before making and maintaining eye contact; long black hair, red eyes, seemingly the same height, pale skin, and what appeared to be a couple of steel or simply metallic appendages just barely concealed with her chosen style of clothing- Celestria, apparently, must had only just arrived considering she wasn't seen around prior to approaching the brunette and a strange amount of red tints as well as being slightly out of breath didn't hint to that from the start. Briefly came the question as to why the ebony haired student had decided to proceed towards herself instead of any of the other more appealing or social individuals standing about, but she supposed it didn't really matter unless the other young woman had ulterior motives, meaning choosing the blood-hungry being was most likely just bad luck. Nothing could be done about that if it were the reason.

"...Krillian Naida.", Krillian answered Celestria's question aimed at her after a second moment of hesitation, the vampire's quiet but dual sounding voice flittering across the short distance between them, all whilst keeping her brown orbs trained on the person in front of them in waiting for a reaction.
Celestria Navi (played by Skykitty) Topic Starter

Celestria kept the eye contact as well not shying away from it at all.”Well it is nice to meet you. So I know it’s only Magic beings here so if I may ask what are you?” She wasn’t trying to offend anyone in any way.
Celestria Navi (played by Skykitty) Topic Starter

((If anyone has demon or human characters there’s an rp looking for more rpers))
Celestria Navi (played by Skykitty) Topic Starter

Krillian Tawny Naida (played anonymously)

(( Too young to join it seems, sorry. My youthful glow was too much- oh the agony of being filled with such liveliness! ))

Krillian felt the inklings of unease creep down her spine and into the growing pit of apprehension in her stomach at Celestria's follow-up question after exchanging names, almost breaking the maintained steady eye contact until this point, but managed to force herself to keep up with the very blank-faced stare she opted for when first arriving at Ravenwood High grounds. That didn't stop the prickling sense of uncomfortableness rooting itself within her core though and suddenly the noises of wildlife and idle chatter seemed a bit too loud as well as distracting, with the very out of place sound of static slowly being introduced into the mix. The urge to wring her fingers or even step away to completely ignore the ebony-haired student in attempts to forget the whole conversation ( consequences notwithstanding ) was rapidly becoming rather overwhelming, but in an odd...familiar way would be the best way to describe it; the ambivalence of fear and calm running through her still veins was only naturally both welcomed and unwelcomed in her mind. Then again, this wasn't the time to be dawdling inside her own head. With a lot more effort than Krillian would ever admit to using for such a simple task for most people, the brunette vampire cleared her parched throat quietly before speaking again.

"Vampire...", Krillian tried to put a tone of certainty in her voice this time as to not make a big obvious show of her discomfort with the current topic, hoping that it was pulled off right and done well enough to be genuinely almost proud sounding, or at least something along the lines of casual.

Despite doing her best to sustain the mutual gaze between herself and Celestria, Krillian couldn't keep it up anymore and blinked away the visual impression of mentioned girl imprinted over her eyes, the undead student swiveled her head around to face the faculty building not too far away, brown orbs aimlessly searching the glaring open windows for a while until said orbs did a double-back at one glass pane in particular. It looked as if the top of someone's head was just catching the edge of streaming sunlight filtering into the school, probably too short to be standing, but there nonetheless. Static tentatively ebbing away enough to allow a clear thought to process through her brain about how likely it was for that person to be a teacher or janitor even, someone who could potentially let them inside and be the kickstart to their new life here- it was a tad bit intimidating, but something that had to be done eventually, sooner rather than later. Or they could just be another student who managed to get inside before all of them even arrived. Either way...the heat of the morning rays were bothering her usually cool skin into a warmer feel more and more the longer she stood there, regardless of her placement in the shadow of a large tree, simply for the sake of self-preservation was she more than ready to get a chance inside the air conditioned institution.

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