This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
Hey guys this is another shout out to players who have younger characters and want to play in a group RP. I'm looking for more players who would have characters that are kids with individualities (the name of the power in our story kinda like superpowers, mutant abilities and such). The kids would be those orphaned after a war broke out, those that were rescued from the government, or those from abusive homes looking for a safe place.
If you also want to join my group but play as a student in a school for heroes please let me know so I can get you in contact with the Hero Faction Leader. The Link to the group is here for anyone to check it out
Even if you are not children but want to be rescued, tired of living on the streets, looking for a job or just want to relax and RP with the storyline please feel free to look around and PM me for more details.
Hope everyone has a safe holiday
If you also want to join my group but play as a student in a school for heroes please let me know so I can get you in contact with the Hero Faction Leader. The Link to the group is here for anyone to check it out
Even if you are not children but want to be rescued, tired of living on the streets, looking for a job or just want to relax and RP with the storyline please feel free to look around and PM me for more details.
Hope everyone has a safe holiday
Magic is very common. Magic-tech, grand floating islands, forests that sing, magical creatures may be an every-day occurrence.
Near future, perhaps cloning and genetic manipulation
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.
Romance is desired but not required, and will balance evenly with other plot.
Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred. Will be played with a large group of players.
What are y'all lookin' for in terms of activity? And also in types of character information? What are some things you'd rather we avoid with our characters?
mmm well as long as you put your post up to keep the story going i dont mind in the length and such of how you post.
Information would be name, age, the individuality (as in the name of the power) that is of you have one, if you want to be a rescue, an orphan, looking for a job? a wanderer and such
avoid? well so far there is nothing i would ask to avoid since the ones being experimented on have dark pasts and such and those from abusive homes would have their own background
Information would be name, age, the individuality (as in the name of the power) that is of you have one, if you want to be a rescue, an orphan, looking for a job? a wanderer and such
avoid? well so far there is nothing i would ask to avoid since the ones being experimented on have dark pasts and such and those from abusive homes would have their own background
cool cool!! I'll try and get something together haha
Is there a minimum character age / ruleset on types of powers for this...?
I'm always looking for RPs that fit my 12-year-old monkey boy, and I'm wondering if he'd be a good fit for this, if you're still looking.
I'm always looking for RPs that fit my 12-year-old monkey boy, and I'm wondering if he'd be a good fit for this, if you're still looking.
nope, no age limitation with my group of mercenaries. If you want a home message me and we can discuss the storyline ... if ya want to use multiple characters in the other factions lemme know as well ^^ send me a pm
Alright, I'll get to that when I have a chance. I do have more questions as well anyways.
In the meantime, Kiro is due some new updated digital artwork, so if I take a while to get that message done, it's because I'm drawing.
In the meantime, Kiro is due some new updated digital artwork, so if I take a while to get that message done, it's because I'm drawing.
oh? that is a very nice drawing
Yo heeeeeeeey. I'd like to join if you're still taking people. The character I'm thinking of using is a new one. Her name is Raven and she's probably about 11 and is a reincarnation of a different character. Although they are still two different people. Her soul was fused with that of a crow upon her death so she came back as an avian type race with black feathers on her arms. The crow often gives her advice only she can hear. Her wing feathers are too short for flight but she has wisdom beyond her years and is a surprisingly good strategist. She can be whatever age you want.
Wanna roleplay anybody?
I want to RP I'm very intreasted
if anyone is still interested please message me
This seems really interesting and would love to join

sure message me please ^^
You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Looking for players to play some mutant (closed)
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