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Forums » Looking for RP » Wrong Number (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Daniel Priest (played by SparksFly)


"Please hang up and try again."

1989. Caller ID has not really been invented just yet, so when that phone rings, you usually have to answer it. Sometimes those calls can be a bit strange. A few days ago you got a box in the mail, in it was a mask, and a gun. You had no clue what that was about until these calls started coming in.

It sounds like a different person speaking every time. They do not respond to anything you say, and they never say who they are. All they do is give you a vague task to do.

"You got that package? We need that delivered to 14th street so we can start getting these orders done. See you soon dude!"

Another time they said,

"Hey we are waiting for you at the club at 17 chestnut ave. Bring your party clothes."

Any time you try to refuse their request, they give you a vaguely threatening response.

"What would your mother think if she knew you said that?." or, "We are burning down this party, we should come to your place next time."

You decide to follow up these phone calls just to investigate what its all about. The addresses they give you leads you to random places that all have something in common. They seem to be hideouts for the Russian mafia. After the Russian America war a few years back, America lost, and now these Russian mobsters are starting to take over the city streets like a bunch of rats. Chances are you dont like them very much. And now, everything is starting to make a bit of sense. Someone gave you a mask, a gun, a location, and some bad people. Now the only real question is,

Who are you, really?

Who is making these calls?

Do you like hurting people?

What to expect from this rp

Who else is into neon murder? Just me? Well hopefully there’s someone out there who will also find this 80s retro aesthetic violent drama as fun as me. There isn’t anything too complicated with the world, The only real information you need is that there was a war between Russia and America that America lost, the year is 1998, and we are in Miami Florida. If you have seen any good Neo Nior film like Drive, Heat, or Pulp Fiction, then you will know what angle this is coming from. The RP will have a good amount of violence and fighting, so action is a must, but I do not plan to just make a neon soaked blood bath. I do not believe in using violence just because violence is cool. I do have a reason for the violence, and I never try to use it as an excuse to just be edgy and cool. The heart of the characters and the implication of their actions is the root of this. I would also like this to only be a 1 on 1, and if you are interested PM me.

Your character

Your character can be anyone from any walk of life but there are a few things to go over to fit this setting. First of all, it is 1989, so make sure you are in that time frame. This world may be a bit indulgent in a lot of ways, but it is still handled realistically, so no time traveling or magic or anything like that. There are a few different ways this rp can be handled depending on what you think is best for your character. My character has been getting the same phone calls you have, but mine is indulging in the violence and following orders. Lets say yours does not want to kill anyone, but gets roped into this anyways. Maybe they were captured by the Russian Mob and I happen to stumble on you while I was clearing the house, or maybe you where just at the wrong place at the wrong time because you wanted to investigate the phone calls. In these cases, I would take up a position to try and help you get out of the situation and protect you. Another option is you follow a path like my character, liking the opportunity to kill guilt free. You take up weapons and start following the orders that the calls are giving you, but soon you start asking too many questions, and you try to find out who is making the calls and ignoring the orders given. This causes my character to get a order to kill you, but after a fight, and some talking, I side with you, and we try to get to the root of the phone calls together. These are two scenarios I have thought of, but there could be many more if you wish to discuss them. The main end goal either way, is trying to find out who is making the calls, the way we do that just depends on the character you want to be.

Furthermore, if you are the type of person to mold certain characters into multiple settings feel free too. If you already have a character that would fit this pretty nicely, but they canonically exist in a different world or time period, I wont be a prick if you want to just use that character and mold them into a 1980s Miami citizen. You dont have to go and whip up someone brand new for this rp if you dont want to, we dont have to treat this like some kind of canon event.

Furthermore, I would like to RP with people who can write in detailed paragraphs, no one liners or low effort repsponses.

This RP will involve references to drugs, alcohol, violence, and many other rated R things, so please avoid this rp if you dont like these things.

If this interest you in anyway, please send me a message and we can discuss more.
Magic 00%
No magic at all.
Technology 50%
Combat 70%
More combat than not. The setting may be at war, and the characters will likely get involved whether or not they seek it out.
Romance 40%
Romance is slightly desired, but the overall plot is more important.

Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred. Will be played one-on-one.

Daniel Priest (played by SparksFly) Topic Starter

Daniel Priest (played by SparksFly) Topic Starter


Honestly has to be one of the most coolest ideas ever on this site, but I dont think I got anyone for this rp
Daniel Priest (played by SparksFly) Topic Starter


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