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Forums » Forum Games » Just Some Joy ~ (IC)

Ankoku Konoe (played by hypxrphxbxx)

How about we just assume some positive things about the character above us or maybe say some nice things based on what's we already know and give them a hug or two. That's always a nice thing to do! Some of us really need it!

Nothing 18+ and we'll be good! No using incorrect pronouns, etc. All that!

In Character (IC)
Nemo (played anonymously)

“You’ve definitely, definitely got style! The outfit? Yes. The hair? Heck yes!”

“Oh okay, hugs. Uhhh.” She reaches out and gives him an awkward pat on the back. “...Nailed it—”

((Not sure if it was meant to be in character so here’s my ooc opinion: I like how your profile is very straight to the point, giving you an immediate sense of the kind of character he is. And because it’s not bogged down by too much detail, it makes him open to a lot of story! Also dancing ninja? AWESOME. Also you have my hugs too!))
Zipactli (played anonymously)

“I like your down to earth positive attitude, eh? It’s very refreshing.”

“No hugs from me though. I don’t like physical contact, no offense eh?”
Annette Brown (played by Claywind)

"Goodness gracious, you're very... intimidating? In a good way, not in a bad-scary-way... unless you like it? And... um, you have pretty eyes! They glow like a warm fire! And you seem like a kind person. Here, you said you don't like hugs, so have a muffin. Freshly baked."
Pascal Ratson (played by BleedingPascal)

"I'm not a kind of a gentleman who compliments everybody... But man, I must say. I respect you for working as a younger person just to support your family... As a dude who was also raised in a poor family, I know how it is, though I started working as a young adult... Also, have I said that I love curly hair? Your hair looks amazing, girl."
She spied the fellow from across the street. He didn't look like she expected, but she was pretty sure that he was one of the guys who donated to the pet and child shelters around town frequently. Not that she knew that but, necessarily, any normal means. Computers sure were a wonderful thing, though. She smiled. What a cool guy! I'd like to buy him a coffee sometime. He definitely had a 'generous 'vibe' to him, now that she thought about it.

She ran up and decided to say hello... Even if it wasn't him, what harm could it do?
So she started off by complimenting his glasses.
Mary Newbound (played by EchoSama)

She smiled at the younger child. "You seem like somebody who I would like to be friends with. You're quite adorable and cheerful. I love positive people a lot!" She smiled widely.

"You have amazing eyes."

She stated as she awkwardly moved towards her, giving Azura a hug.

Mary wasn't used to interacting with kids younger than her by a few years, but she truly thought Azura was amazing.
Hayami (played by DragonBorn123)

Smiles kindly, unusual for her. "You have a nice name. You have a nice personality. You seem super fun and cool to hang out with."
Lucas looked at the girl in front of him. Compliments from him were already rare, so trying to come up with one was difficult. "I like the dual colored hoodie thing your wearing..?" He glanced around. "I have no clue what I'm doing so I'm sorry if its kinda weird..."
five (played by Wandering_Mary)

"since I don't know ya well I'd say the 2 of us are similer, so... I guess nice cloths?"
A'sraha (played by hexblading)

"You're tiny and adorable! Also so industrious!" A'sraha got to her knees to spread her arms wide open to this tiny dragon-fox, inviting her into a hug. "Come here! I give plenty good hugs!"
Phantom (played by AdoboKitty)

Phantom felt verrryyyy awkward about all the hugging going on.

"You're not my charge, but if the hugs are free I can give a lil too. C'mere and let's get it over with. I won't turn this into the typical dog chases cat though. You want this hug, come and get it"

Lowkey he kinda wants the hug now, but he said what he said.
Phoebe Blythe (played anonymously)

Phoebe giggled at the way Phantom acted. It was not bad. Not at all, but Phoebe found it quite adorable.
"For a demon, you're pretty cute." She smiled. "I hope we can be good friends someday."
Iskandar (played by hexblading)

"I mean," He started with a shrug, gesturing from Pheobe's... entirety, to the smile curling on her lips.

"You're kinda like, brimming with good vibes. You look like you've been through some trite nonsense, but pull together with grace to match. I wouldn't discredit that with doubt; you keep being you, eh. Something something, don't look gift horses in the mouth."
A.D.A.M. (played anonymously)

"You seem kinda and observant for a human. Those are two noble tennants to live by."
Agent English (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"Robots are easily one of my favorites categories, i always been fascinated by them since.. As long as i remember.

If anything, i would hire you in my agency, i’m pretty sure you are really competent, calm and collected.

We trully need that around us."

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