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Forums » Looking for RP » (MxM) romance (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Akito Kawa (played by Lil-froggy-boy)

I want to do a fantasy role play where my character is betrothed, I’m not actually huge on the marriage plots but it seems to be quite common in history for kings to marry off there kids for peace in a kingdom. My only rule for character is that they must be pretty Dominant as Akito is definitely a stubby bottom 😅.Anyways I have a few different ways this could go 1 he’s betrothed to y/c but has never met them before and is extremely shy, 2 he’s betrothed to y/characters sister but (being a very smol gay boy) he falls in love with y/c instead, 3 your character along with many other princes come to his kingdom and all have to get to know the prince in order for him to pick one, but how does y/c handle having to fight with others vying for this lil water spirits attention. And 4 your character is a thief who raids Akitos carriage,but with Akitos fiancé in the carriage he sentences you to death, Akito objects and says you must come and work for him and saves your life, only to begin to have feelings for y/c of course his fiancé (despite not knowing or caring about Akito, doesn’t take kindly to this as he sees you as a threat to his throne. We could always come up with more and the starter for the 4th would definitely be different but I will put a general starter below so you can get a feel. You can skip over if you like just please make sure to look over Akitos profile ☺️ Oh also since this is fantasy there will be some world building, if you want we can make it less fantasy and more historic (either more Asian or European) I’m okay with that but Akito will still have his powers and such.🐸

The day had just begun in the kawa palace the maids bustled about as they prepped for there new guests. Akito had awoken early that morning, he loved watching the sun rise against his river as the stream trickled and the morning mist was thick and dreamy. His pale green hair collected dew drops that were floated away by the waving of his jade colored fan. The small and thin boy wore a kimono, sliding off one bare shoulder ,of soft greens and lily pinks, what was meant for a woman fit his figure exquisitely. His soft green eyes looked down into the stream as fish danced around his finger tips. Until they were startled by a voice, a mans voice, the palace guards head chief was escorting the new prince and his king to the palace where Akito ought to have been waiting for them. But Akito couldn’t seem to move, his shimmering emerald eyes locked with prince, a morning misty moment, a first glance, and a small thud in his chest. He couldn’t seem to escape his gaze.

Again this could totally be changed depending on your character and your preference and what our big plot goal is! Feel free to pm me or answer here!~🐸

P.s.! I forgot to mention, if you have to characters of your own that you like using together I’m 100% open to a multi character rp!
Magic 70%
Magic is fairly common. Players and NPCs important to the tale may have it. Mistborn.
Technology 30%
Combat 30%
Distant war may be part of the setting, but any scenes that happen to involve combat will likely be summarized, not played out in detail.
Romance 70%
Romance is required, but may take some time to develop. For example: slow burn RPs.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred. Will be played one-on-one.


Awe this seems cute! I can do this!
Akito Kawa (played by Lil-froggy-boy) Topic Starter

Icysoul wrote:
Awe this seems cute! I can do this!

Eeek yay!!
I'm down for this!

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » (MxM) romance (closed)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus