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Forums » RP Discussion » Important tips for becoming a good role player

Greetings everyone, I do hope wherever you are, prosperity, success, and happiness be inseparable parts of your long life.

The reason I have created this topic is to help anyone that thinks they might need some help concerning creating and developing characters and some tips for becoming a good role player.

Writing is a blessing only we writers possess, that makes all of us very special people but unfortunately, some of us due to lacking self-confidence withdraw into the shadows and thus remain invisible, that means the first quality you need to have as a writer is self-confidence... don't be afraid of other people's judgment, most of those people that you think they would judge your writing cannot even write a decent paragraph, to make the long story short, have faith in your power and talents and let your imagination take control the rest will be easy.

I don't know if you have seen how a carpet is created or not, it needs a great deal of precision to weave a carpet but before weaving one a map is required which has its own design process, overall it is a very complicated thing for the ones that don't know how to weave a carpet... writing a long novel is exceedingly similar to it, the novelist needs to be in control of every single detail about the story and if a novelist cannot do this plot holes will appear in the story from minor things such as forgetting the eye color of a character to the more serious stuff. To avoid this I draw a storyline map for myself which will allow me to be an omnipresent force throughout the story, let me give you an example so you would have a better understanding of this factor, I have been roleplaying with QueenSerenity (She is an incredible role paly partner and even a better friend) and our role play post number has passed 2196 (now it is 4951 post! Edited on 7/10/2022) post! Each post includes several long paragraphs, we can do this because we follow the pattern I mentioned above for example it goes like this:

Also, this is the fantasy map I have drawn for the story :)

--- Selena is a witch that runs from several witch hunters. (She writes about it in detail)

--- There is an old and mysterious castle in the heart of the dark forest. ( I write about it in detail)

--- Selena reaches the castle and gets caught by the hunters( She writes about it in detail)

--- The Elder Vampire Demolgan appears and saves the beautiful witch ( I write about it in detail)

--- The first conversation between the two ( we write about it in detail)

--- Foramilities happen between the two of them for some time (we write about it in detail)

--- The extrovert one, expresses their love for one another ( we write about it in detail)

As you can see it goes step by step, after some time you will start knowing more and more about the writing style of your partner which will make you write better and better in the future.

The next step is using other characters too, for a grand and long-term story you cannot simply stick to the main characters of the story for it will cause you to run out of ideas after some time, we control over more than twenty characters in our story now, so having other minor characters is extremely important to spice the things up.

Make conversation with your partner, talk to them, get closer to them and try to know them, and then come up with new ideas and share them with your partner so both of you can agree on something that you consider good to be involved in the story, it is also critical to avoid making big changes in the story without consulting with your partner, doing so will certainly confuse your partner.

Well, these were the things you could do after starting a role-play but what about before it?

You do know that power of vision for a human being to understand something is exceedingly vital that is why they say a picture is worth a thousand words, when we see something our brain and character start to analyze it so the more vivid the case is the more accurate we will be able to decide if we like it or not that means always use a profile picture for your characters the kind of picture that you feel is the closest to your character's personality so first thing first is to choose a picture for your character, I have seen many character profiles here that don't have a profile picture, that kills the mood for a person that comes to visit your profile to see what kinds of characters you have.

Always write a powerful background for your character, explain about their personality and powers, their preferences and beliefs, the more you are vivid about your character the better chance you will get to have a proper partner.

Always be exceedingly transparent about your top priorities, and make it clear what you want and what you don't, for example personally I don't like to role play with a partner that doesn't accept my vampire characters as the most powerful being in the story. It means this rule is my number one and most important factor to me when I want to start a role player with my vampire characters.

Be specific about the romance part, explain what your characters expect from their lover in the stories sometimes two great role players can end up at a dead-end simply because their characters' love preferences don't match so at the beginning certainly discuss these matters and mention these things in your characters' profiles.

On the main page of your own profile write a little bit about yourself that makes people to have a better understanding of you which means it will make it easier for you to make friends here.

Important note: All of the stuff mentioned above are my humble and personal ideas, I just shared them because I thought they might be helpful to some.

Good write-up. Lots to glean for this.. Good rp flows when the two writers mesh well!
Vozhad Topic Starter

Thanks for the comment and yes unequivocally you are right when two writers mesh well a good story will be the result.
Thank you for taking the time in making this. I believe this will be a good reminder for me, when I’m feeling a little unsure on my role plays and writing. ^w^

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