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Forums » General Roleplay » The Streets (1x1 with Rhyme0427)

The Outcasted (played anonymously) Topic Starter

He followed her down the hallway, and looked through the rooms, getting closer and closer to the room she was hiding in.
She heard his footsteps approaching here,as quick as there were loud
The Outcasted (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Nero looked around, seeking the room she was hiding in, however, he seemed to pass right by it.
If he would come back, he would see her due to her being on the left of the doorway. She moved quickly, then *BOOM* a lamp fell as she ran past a dresser. She knew she was in trouble now.
The Outcasted (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Nero continued on his way down the hallway at a moderate pace. He walked down the corridor until he found himself at a dead end, and was forced to turn and go back the way he had come. His pine green eyes scanned the area, and this time he had not failed to notice the girl like he had the first time. He heard a lamp fall the second he had spotted her as the lamp shattered onto the floor before she fleed. He smirked lightly, maybe this would be fun. He decided quickly before he gave chase to her.
She ran down the oppiste hall from where he was, knowing he would be much faster than her, she transformed into a cheetah. She was on the thrid floor and it would be hard to get onto the 1st. she keep running until she was at a dead end,She was trapped on a balcony, she could hear him coming
The Outcasted (played anonymously) Topic Starter

He blinked in awe as he watched the amazing transformation that occurred before him, but despite the fact he knew a cheetah was far faster than him he give still gave chase. He soon had her trapped on the balcony. A faint anger lustered in his eyes.
She looked into his sparkling eyes, they wee full of hatred and hurt. She knew she had to run, somehow get away, she had to get the photos, she just had to. In a blink of an eye she transformed into a mouse and jumped of the balcony, "I'm gonna escape, my sister is gonna be ok" she said with joy as she was falling

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