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Forums » RP Discussion » le sigh ... STARTING

Wondering if anyone has the same issue as me. I can be filled with Rp ideas till they leak out my ears, but when I go to start I kinda freeze up D:

Its not really that much that I'm afraid that people will dislike my idea or writing. But that I can't find out how to word it in a way to make people wanna join. D:

So do you guys have any starting woes/solutions to share?
Woes I don't but for a solution,

I don't think it's about writing it in a way to make people want to join, if it's a set setting or something it's goign to be either hit or miss anyway. There will always be people that are going to be "Not the setting I want" and others that'll think the exact opposite. The key is, in my eyes, not to write something to convince them to join but to just write what your setting is about, explan how it works, etc. If people are interested in the setting they will most likely either ask for some more information or join.

Anyway that's just my two cents.

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