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Forums » RP Discussion » Oblivion RP anyone?

Miwahdu (played by Sanne)

Miwahdu wants some RP. I seem to have terrible luck when it comes to starting forum RP though. In multiple groups and in the public boards nobody seems to reply to various alts' posts, which feels very discouraging, especially since I post specifically in settings/boards dedicated to that type of character!

:( Someone out there want to make me happy? If there's another char on my list you'd like to RP with, let me know!! If there's a specific char you want to RP, but none of mine fit, let me know and I'll see if I can toss in an anonymous char.
Sorry Sanne, I'm not too much into Oblivion D=

Though if you like Sci-Fi the Nexus Alliance has a decently active RP going on!
Though that's group RP, don't know if you're into that.
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

I dont have any chars that would fit there right now. i like both group and 1x1 rp though!
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

Also, I have more than just Oblivion chars, as I stated in my post... if there is anything in my list you like, we can Rp witht that char too.
I am looking through your chars yes, more out of curiosety though.
I am not that much for 1x1 RP, I always fear that my posts will not suffice the demands of the one I RP with, something that group RP lessens since then the whole RP isn't entirely dependant on my post.
Miwahdu (played by Sanne) Topic Starter

I'm good at steering roleplays and I am always open to fun, dramatic, angsty and such plot twists.

I don't have high expectations of roleplay style and such, Ijust want to have fun and develop my characters. :) Still open and looking!
Hrmm interesting idea. Im playing oblivion right now xD hrmmm this seemes interesting, if you give me a few days i can create the character im playing and stuff. Shoot me a pm on here on your ideas if you like to.
I'm always up for RP in any part of the TES canon.
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

Awesome!! Let me know which characters you'd like to RP and what settings they'd usually be found in, then I can setup a post for everyone :3
Alright! Shall I PM that, or post it here?
The character im using is Ath'vesu, a wood elf archer/thief, and he can usually be found in villages or cities, when he isnt out adventuring. So whatever scean you guys set up will work for me.
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

Ethelle wrote:
Alright! Shall I PM that, or post it here?

Whatever you are comfortable with :)
I always prefer to play Astarill. Around the time Oblivion takes place, he would most likely be found in Cheydinhal, renting a room in the Newlands Lodge and running the occasional inconsequential errand for the local Mages Guild. Any location is possible, though. Theoretically, he can be found anywhere where there’s either a Mages Guild chapter, or something of archaeological or necromantic value (basically any ruin, fort or cave), or he could be travelling between any of these locations, with or without company. He does like to tag along with merchant caravans.
Perhaps it could turn out to be interesting to do something with his interest in necromancy, given Miwahdu’s unfortunate past with it. It wouldn’t be necessary at all, though! There’s plenty of other things to go with.

Another good candidate would be Raujel. He treks around Cyrodiil, spending winters in the south and summers in the north, basically going wherever his food and livelihood goes. He’s a hunter and lives a solitary, nomadic life, usually steering clear from civilization unless he has skins to trade. He also takes on jobs as a caravan guard, scout or mercenary when he’s in need of septims. He’s less developed than Astarill, but that might make it interesting. At least for me. Possibly not so much for you guys. XD He was raised in Valenwood rather than the Summerset Isles, though, so he might get along well with Ath’Vesu.

Guaile might also be a possibility, if neither Astarill nor Raujel are suitable. He sticks to civilization, though. He’s used to the finer things in life. He’s obnoxious, as well as a coward. Chances are he’ll annoy the hell out of both Miwahdu and Ath’Vesu (although the others might as well, of course, I don’t know XD). Could be fun, though. He’s not exactly capable of preventing himself from being eaten or murdered outside city walls, so he could need an escort if he’d decide he needs a change of scenery and a change of people to defraud.

If none of those sound suitable, I’ve also got two female characters that could easily be in Cyrodiil around Oblivion’s time, but they haven’t got an RPR page yet. One’s a scholar researching historic demographics and cultures of various Elven races. She might be interested in Miwahdu, since her race is so rare. The other character is a noble and a diplomat who could need an escort on the way to some fancy meeting.

So, in short, whichever character I’d use, I can come up with a reason for them to be wherever the other characters are likely to be. If none of you have a preference, I’ll go with Astarill, but I’m fine with any of the others as well, so don’t be afraid to say anything if you prefer another.
Um, hullo!

*blush* I haven't exactly spoken much on the site, but I am an avid Oblivion fan and I'd love to try and join in! :D
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

Anyone of those chars sound fine! ;)

You're very welcome to join in, Quillweave! All we need now is some kind of plot that will allow them all to meet somehow and work towards a goal of some sort.

Miwahdu is a Dark Brotherhood assassin, so it would be very easy for her to be on a (complex) mission to assassinate someone. Perhaps someone one of the other characters knows?
Well, Dust works as an alchemist for the Dark Brotherhood (somewhat unwillingly!) so perhaps that could help work things in somehow? C:
Ath'vesu (played by Legion)

Well, as Ath is a thief/Adventurer, Mi is an assassin, Quillweave works for the darkbrotherhood and such and Ethelle, Maby they all somehow (ironic luck) Get seperat jobs for the same house and person? Each there for there own reasons (say to get a magical artifact or something?) And thus end up running into each other around the same time for one item and then its a mad dash, and story intertwines for each to get the item in the end, though maby a trick gets played and the item and mark escapes, and thus forces them to work together, or go it alone and eventually end up meeting again and all that............of course out of that anything else could happen ((Just a suggestion xD not sure if it would even be good or work, And i like your idea as well Sanne, and im game for whatever))
I think it´s good to mention that Astarill and Quillweave´s character Dust already know each other a bit through previous RPing. They´re acquaintances who are on friendly terms. We could just pretend they haven´t met before, but I would personally think it´s nicer if we can keep the previously established connections in. And it might make it easier to make all the characters come together!
Miwahdu (played by Sanne) Topic Starter

Whoo, are there any volunteers to have a NPC assassinated who's somehow involved with the rest of these chars? Maddi and Dust can acknowledge each other as being part of the same guild and Ast and Dust know each other too. I think that makes ita bit easier to throw everyone (Including Ath) into the same plot.

When I'm home I'll setup an introduction and settings post. I'll take some lberty with the initial setting but will make sure it remains flexible for everyone :3
Astarill isn't particularly close to any NPC, but he could be involved if someone from the Mages Guild was assassinated. Or better yet, an NPC from the Thieves Guild, so that Ath'Vesu has a clear reason to be where the other characters are? I'm not sure if Thieves Guild members are easily targeted for assassination, though, as I can imagine they keep a low profile and not a lot of people would know about their connections. But still! It might be an idea.

You are on: Forums » RP Discussion » Oblivion RP anyone?

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