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Forums » RP Discussion » High school teacher


Michael Alasdair MacKenzie is a high school level history teacher. And a Medal of Honor winner, but that's beside the point. Point is, schools need teachers. People under eighteen have to go to school. Badabing! We have a winner. That's right. You guessed it. Michael needs a job at a high school to teach Early American History or Recent American History. Any takers?
Phrostphyre Topic Starter

Bump. Evil double posting doesn't count when it's to bump a thread, right? Anyways, Bump. And I now have a thread that is open.
Kim Site Admin

Double posting is when you post an identical post twice, so changing it at all makes it not count. But bumping is actually against the rules of the forum unless you have relevant new information to add.

Happily, you had a link, so you're good. ;)
Phrostphyre Topic Starter

Wow. Relevant information is a good thing.
Version 2 looks really neat! What time period is he in, modern? I might have/make a character so we can RP! :)
Phrostphyre Topic Starter

He's actually meant for a universe my friend created. The year is like, 2033-2040. Here's a link to the relevant information:

Said friend is actually the reason I'm here.

But the first one I can actually fit into any when from 1990-2015.
Looks interesting, though honestly confusing. For instance; it states the two sides are Resonance and Kalamity, but it never gives any information about either side. I'm not sure how I am supposed to choose my character's side when I don't know what the difference is between them.

Also, if I did find a suitable character for this setting, would you mind perhaps starting another RP for a 1x1 with me? I find group RPs hard to keep up with at numerous times.. ^^;
Phrostphyre Topic Starter

Not a problem. I have no clue either, but apparently Kalamity are the bad guys? It seemed that they instituted the genocides, and Resonance are the freedom fighters.
Well, I'd definitely need some more information before making a character. It was a bit too confusing for me to make a character for that time period right now. Not enough information. >.<
Phrostphyre Topic Starter

Then you should shoot a PM to LightBulb. And yeah, I don't mind making a different thread. What were you thinking?

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