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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » A lonely soul. (Open RP)

Ghost (played by MagiQueen)

How long had she been holed up there for? Days? Months? No, it seemed longer; time moving along like an unrelenting river. Uninhibited and alone, Lucciola had made a place for herself to rest... Was she giving up? Maybe. She just wanted to sleep... And it had been so long since she had slept... No. She shook her head to draw herself away from her dooming pensive; not a wink until she found her body. Her bones. Her bones. That someone had removed and had not buried. Until that point, she would have to continue to move, from one place to the next.

It had been a long and arduous journey for her; centuries had passed her by without Lady Luck pressing her hand to her. Then again, even when alive, she was never the lucky sort. Maybe that's why she perished on her own... No! Do not stray to the past! Another shake of her head to remind herself. Loneliness was never far away for the poor ghost... Not many could see her, and those people were few and far between. It made her ache... A deep longing for a companion; a friend, was the only other thing she would ever truly cherish; save her bones, which would put her to rest.

So she would remain here, by the stream that ran to the mighty river of Arc, where she would dip her hands in the waterfalls and reminisce on what the feeling of cool, running water was like.
Fabala (played by Valshaira)

Searching, the child had grown weary once more of the journey she was embarking upon and soft pupiless Pink eyes would glance around cautiously to her surroundings- the back of her head and her stomach throbbed painfully as they did never endingly so, Fabala (The Second) had wondered just why she never found a release of pain even though she had concoted simple Draughts and also had first aid on multiple occasions but it seemed like that of the Markings, it always would reappear.

Almost tripping over sleeping feet she would pause, skin paled as blue markings lit up and eyes showed the Black of her pupils once more- hands flying over her mouth; such a peculiar sensation that she had infact encountered before, but she had never been a coward- Much, and would call out "Hello?" in a near hoarse voice that was Akin to her most of the time now.
Kin Hou (played anonymously)

A large brown bag over his shoulder, the old man was walking by the river, heading upstream. As soon as he had found himself away from an inhabited area - in this case, a town - he had put his walking stick back in his bag. There was no need to pretend when no one was looking.

Kin Hou, traveling storyteller and a few things more, was thoroughly enjoying that brief break from the elaborate act that was his everyday life. In the woods, no one cared if the old man could carry that huge, heavy bag around with ease, or if he could run, or if he could cross the river by hopping from stone to stone. No one was there to see hi-

Wait, was that a voice? Someone had just said hello? In the woods?

He dropped his bag and grabbed his walking stick again, with a silent sigh. Just in case.
Ghost (played by MagiQueen) Topic Starter

The voice alarmed her -- There were people this deep in the woods? Her weariness had caught her in a situation she didn't entirely want to be in... She could either A) Try to respond or B) Hide until she heard them walk off. As much as she would have liked to have attempted the former, she would go with the latter; oping to hide in a tree nearby to make -sure- that no one could find her. A small splash of water as her hand flicked out the stream; the bloodied lance that she carried not far behind her as she dragged it in her left hand, and almost instantly she was hiding in a tree trunk; garnet eyes peeping out it's old bark. Maybe they hadn't noticed her yet.


Folding her knees to her chest, she would sit quietly and waited for them to pass.
Ghost (played by MagiQueen) Topic Starter

((WTF SUNGLASSES. That's meant to be b) ))
Fabala (played by Valshaira)

Fabala would clear her throat, unable to shake the aura that had overtaken her- she wondered briefly if a location ward would work but then thought it was too risky to draw attention to herself, blanking out of her mind she'd wander right through a boulder of all things... For the sake of the Maker not even noticing she had, Magic Darn it!

A Pale blue light appeared from her right hand, "I see you" she'd speak, although she couldnt see the person at all- she just knew of the presense and the ability to do so creeped her out far more than the whole memory of being attacked brutally, Lovely huh?

She would sit down on the aforementioned not so obstacle, putting her chin against her fist in boredom- was it going to be another uneventful day? This century was worse than the last.
Caelestila Zamora (played by FallenTears)

Caelestila had heard alot of movement in the woods. She was asleep for a good few hours. The Angel simply opened her left eye she always fell asleep standing up like a horse when she was burtally tired, and it so happened it was one of those days. Her Left Perfectly Dark Blue eye simply peered around for anyone that was in her sights. Not wanting to fight she felt three faint lifeforms,but they did not seem violent in her mind simply afraid. Well except for the one male presence she felt;regardless she to see how events would turn out before making a move.

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