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Forums » Smalltalk » Official Contest: Spread The Love 2021

Kim Site Admin

playingwithdice.pngTell the world - or a friend - about how much you enjoy the RP Repository and you could win amazing prizes!

To Enter:
Each proclamation of love for the RPR that you make between April 24th and May 9th, 2021 counts as an entry into a raffle to win amazing prizes!
  • Use social media, in-game chats or even RL fliers to let people know about how the RP Repository is the best site for online RP. Be sure to include a link to us.
  • To have your entry count, you must post a link to your facebook post/blog entry/tweet/whatever in this thread (or send it via PM to Kim). Broken links or hidden posts we can't see will not count. If you do something IRL, like print and hang fliers on bulletin boards, please post/PM a snapshot.
  • Be respectful of other sites and places. Do not spam message boards. Do not make off-topic or against-the-rules posts anywhere. Do not put up fliers on bulletin boards where you have not received approval to post them. If we receive any complaints that your entry was counted as spam wherever it was made, it will be disqualified.

You can enter as many times as you want, but you can only win once.

Here are some ideas for ways to share your love of the RP Repository:
  • Tweet about how much fun you have on the RP Repository, and include a link back to us.
  • Post a link to us on your facebook wall.
  • Write a blog post about all the fun you have on the RP Repository, and include a link back to us.
  • Print this flier and put it on the bulletin board in your local game store -- or hand it out at your next tabletop game!

Remember: It's against the rules (and generally uncool) to spam anywhere or harass anyone. I know you all know better.

Remember to report all your good deeds back here by May 9th
Censored a few things for privacy, but I made sure my discord knew! Of course, had to add a goof to it hehe

See more

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

At this point in time, entering this contest is a guaranteed win! XD
On my DnD discord server

Via WhatsApp... to my tabletop gaming group
(contacts, group name, phone numbers were blacked out for privacy)
Via Telegram to my group of online role-playing writers
(contacts were blacked out for privacy)
Gave a facebook bump! Names covered to protect identification.

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Rolling for prizes!
  1. Dndmama
  2. Tusitala2017
  3. Tusitala2017
  4. Tusitala2017
  5. Folklore
  6. Tusitala2017
  7. MercyInReach
  8. MercyInReach
  9. MercyInReach
  10. REROLL!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

First prize is an RPR tote bag
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 2.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Congrats to Tusitala2017! :D Our next prize is a set of RPR pens
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 9.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

rolled 1d10 and got a natural 6.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

That's Tus again, but she's already won something, so rerolling :)
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 9.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Congrats to MercyInReach! :D
Next prize up is a Wand of Epicness
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 4.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Tus again, rerolling...
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 9.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

MercyInReach again! Rerolling...
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 3.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

How about this...
  1. Dndmama
  2. Folklore
rolled 1d2 and got a natural 1.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Dndmama gets the Wand of Epicness! :D

The next prize is a dragon's tooth, and Folklore is the only name left on the list, so Folklore gets that. :D
\o/ Thanks Kim! Epic Week is always so much fun.

You are on: Forums » Smalltalk » Official Contest: Spread The Love 2021

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus