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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

the game stole my seeds i just bought
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Which seeds?
Kim wrote:
Which seeds?
2 garlic seeds, i found some more gold bought 3 more.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Did the next 3 work?>
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I just put a refund in your inventory for the two packets that didn't work. Switch maps or refresh to get it. :)
yes. i think i know how it happened. i bout 2 tofu in a row. it ate them because it hates being stacked, same thing happened when i tried stacking them to save space. it ate a bucket
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Lemme look into tofu stacking real quick...
when it splits out of the stack it'll go for something in your hotbar if there's no room i assume cause i had open space everywhere else
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

There we go, I think that's fixed. Items from the butcher should do a better job stacking now.
turns out the tofu was a mimic
woah! game just froze up when i appraoched a wheat to pick it up. i'm having the problem i was before. but even worse
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I think I know what you're running into -- I pushed a patch last night to fix that error, but it's likely you still have the old version cached. Can you both do a ctrl-shift-r on the game a few times to trigger a hard refresh?
not working
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

How about now?
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Huzzah! :D
turns out the wheat was also a mimic
What's a mimic?
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Unfortunately, these things happen in the RPR :(
Minioma wrote:
What's a mimic?
it's a monster from DnD. it ambushes people by taking on the shape of items they might wanna get close to, like a treasure chest

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