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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Or sometimes doors XD
Oh, Okay
or.. even health potions, and it'll wait till you try to use it
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Here's your daily reminder to remember to gaze at Forohfor every half hour or so. You can get free items! :)
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Incredible work farmers! :D The hope meter is almost halfway full!
Minioma,sorry. I thought the message about class was from you. It was from GalaxyStar.
No problem, onion. ^^
i'm redoing the cornfield, gonna see if i can get that back on track and then i'll do the wheat field. wanna get the animals going
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Awesome idea!
Need help?
the plot of land is basically empty
i shall go find stuff like seeds if i can
lol i was about to go get more coal and realize i don't have an axe or pickaxe XD
Galaxy-Star, how was your class?
ok, so here's how i'm gonna go about it. whatever corn and wheat i collect, half goes to making animal feed, half get's dropped for someone to pick up and stuff into the ectractor
Roger, roger!
@onion it was fine

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