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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

one BLT and one Eggs and Bacon headed to the refugees
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Awesome! :D
oh and one tomato soup
my BLT is missing from my inventory nooo
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

You seem to be having some real inventory grief today! D:
welp off to go find more gold for bacon

Good luck!
seriously. more gold. what is my luck today. i keep finding it

Your luck is amazing then!

Is it just me... or is every top left corner occupied by some anonymous person?
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Yeah it's a visual bug I haven't quite solved yet XD It's people on other maps

Ah, still a WIP.

Who wants 20 pumpkins?

I am right next to the cows.

I'm down, let me located ya.

Just dropped them, go ahead and grab them
my problem i like the farmer more than i actually wanna cook

I just needed room for milk. Had to make cheese and butter before I finished grabbing said milk

Rinny_Howler, the pumpkins are by the cows

You are on: Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

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