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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Thanks everyone! :D

Nice, that gun is pretty nice. It's no problem, Kim!

goes back to using unlimited bucket works
who ever gave me wild seeds thank you

I'll likely be afk for a bit, school's calling. I gave it, so it's no problem, Galaxy!
yay good luck in school

Thanks, I'll be in game still. just out for a while.

whoever harvested and removed the corn in the west field did so in a weird way that kinda makes me angie
im gonna go rn

ok, so if you're gonna dump tools. use the food cart to do it.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin


i found a weird bug

if you hit a plant you can move it off the tilled soil but the plant remains
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Yeah. Ot'
because it's better than leaving them floating on the ground and the food cart is the only way aside from breaking them to remove the item
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

It'll pop back to where it was if you leave the map and come back though :)
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I dunno, I appreciate picking up tools from other people XD
oh, ok

Temporarily back, peeps!

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