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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

let me assist you with watering

ight thanks
ok, restarted laptop, back to the state i made that bug report
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

What type of computer do you have? Windows or mac?
Kim wrote:
What type of computer do you have? Windows or mac?
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

And what browser?
Kim wrote:
And what browser?
google chrome, it's what the default was
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Yeah, a ctrl-shift-r a few times on the game really should get you the latest version...

Cha cha slide into my character Rin, and how many versions are there....?
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I've released maybe 5 patches since launch, to add the names above characters when pressing Q and to fix various bugs
no luck. welllll. fudge nuts

the corn gods speak to me they say farm more corn
I shall assist you in your corn quest then

To whoever had food dropped at spawn, thanks.
Needed to clear out the lower spawn farm to make Salad Farm.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Big kudos to all of you who maintain the wheat and corn farms. :)
I'm making corn seeds as we speak!
more corn farms coming
which other seeds do we need?

You are on: Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

Moderators: Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Darth_Angelus