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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game


You may have some blessed seeds, Shiny, and I'll do my best, Zelph!
Oh, thank you! :D

No problem, both of you.
Btw, I encourage putting a space between rows of corn. Less efficient for room and walking, but easier to see the little baby plants that need water. Onlya suggestion, though, do what works for you!

Ah, that'd make sense!
Corn is just so tall. @_@

It is...

Holy hell, that is a LOT of wheat....
You didn't see the 3 full fields, huh?
Rawr. :P

I see a lot of fields.

What? Mass produce wheat next?
Does anyone know what is needed to purify water?

Purify water?
It always shows up as a black lump... Can't tell if it's coal byproduct or what
Yeah! Those standing machines without tables are water filters, right? And you need pure water for some cooling recipes
You need a bucket of water and a coal

You are on: Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

Moderators: Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Darth_Angelus