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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

you craft them on the tables with tools in it
theres one by spawn
and i thiiiink you can build more yourself
I can't tell if the tiny things that look like garlic are actually garlic or if the big one is garlic and those are onions
There's a tutorial at the start of this thread, and another in a separate thread.
The pair is garlic, the one is onion.
Okay then :d cool!
can you trade items with each other tho?
oh hey murky

Tem, I'll hand you the stuff I have. Just take them, really. I have no need for them.
No i just made a pic im good

also, can i make some sort of public storage?
mining some stone and some coal i think dododoot

Da na na naaaaa!
na nana naaa na nanunana
Cass Moderator

Sleepy Cass.

Good evening to you, Cass! Your skin is amazing!

You are on: Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

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