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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

yeah i really didnt need your stuff i already have a stone axe stone pic and a wooden hoe
Cass Moderator

Cass Moderator

Thank you I use lotion :D
she doesnt have dragon skin, not great
Cass Moderator

(I'm trying to be funny, I know I'm not funny, but I try).

Hey, she does look nice. Admit it.
Cass Moderator

Am I doing this right.
Cass Moderator

I am watering plants.
i do have a question what is coal used for is it just fires or something else?
Just put more feed in for the chickens, if anyone sees them pop out any eggs lease let me know I need a couple for more ellaborate recipes
you can smelt ores with coal
as far as i know, but theres probably more uses
shank you
dont shank me :^)
Cass Moderator

Maybe I will change my outfit, I like the dressed.
Cass Moderator


My character is just... gray.
Achievement: Make one of every food.
Cass Moderator

Almost burned my dinner!

You are on: Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

Moderators: Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Darth_Angelus