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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

Cass Moderator

Church, how are you? I'm always so happy to see your face.

What a community I'm in... I love it here.
so like is there gonna be future updtes or is this just a one shot celabatory game?
Cass Moderator

Who knows. :o
because if it isnt the latter i would like to see a future in iron tools
church why did you just unload purified water onto the field LOL

Due to a few bugs that need patched still, there will likely be updates. I still examine the top left corner in maps...
Cass Moderator

There, I am wearing a fabulous dress now and a witch hat.
oh wait nvm there is iron tools
Cass Moderator

Gasssp. *runs through corn field*

The corn field, hm? Shade made all of that, and still is working on it!
off to look for gold for meat
making ma way down town got some iron tools gonna claim some land dodododooo
Cass Moderator

It's beaaautiful.
i gotchu covered fam

Cass, you look FABULOUS!
Cass Moderator

OH why shucks, thank you.

Hehe, you truly do!
Cass Moderator

You inspired me :)

I'll say, I really love the dresses, despite not being a dress person in real life.

You are on: Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

Moderators: Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Darth_Angelus