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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

on spawn
i cant see any nicknames though C':
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

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consider that gold an investment
patiently waiting for garlic for spag and more seeds wooo
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Right there with you ;)
and then shall overload the refugees with grilled artichoke and garlic!!
they'll be sick of it I tell you
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I'm also going to make 5 kabobs
wooo kabobs
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Goodness gracious me I love kabobs
somebody dropped a steel pickaxe at the northern farm
? I don't think it was me. I dropped something into the smelter for storage, though hehe
Later, Rinny! <3
I'm going too. I'll be back later to help out with watering, and try to crash everything with hearts. Bye until then!
MercyInReach wrote:
and then shall overload the refugees with grilled artichoke and garlic!!
Thats been my MO.
Planting 36 of each for the harvest
200 food sent off!

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