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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

Hello! I’ve been MIA and I can’t drop in until much later today (or tomorrow for some of you guys), but I wanted to say keep it up, you guys are amazing!! If I end up not being able to play I’ll log on briefly to leave you guys my materials but otherwise, see you later!
me and my gf are clearing out the small artichoke and garlic field me and kim started earlier, saving half for seeds to replant and half to make the recipe so should get the field replanted in a few minutes and a few hundred food out
Wait, did someone panic over my pronouns? o.O

alrighty 396 roasted artichokes sent

(22 x the 18 food they count for I believe)

That... is a lot of food.
can a couple people come to the map above the left one, there's so many rocks it's hard to walk need to get some cleared out.
just a sec mercy

I'll be heading there to clear out and ready for more shelters1
I currently still accept any pronouns, so no worries. ^^ Also, if you goof, it's better to keep the apology/correction quick and simple. Gets awkward when folks make a big show of it. :)

In other news, I am so tired of farming. :) But the animals are well fed.
not so ready, but lead the way
northwest right?
Also, it's good I had an absurd amount of coal built up, because I haven't had time to collect wood for the extractor.

I found the ores in the water...
thats all mercy?
I think some more spawned right when I left but my pockets are full
smelting now
yeah, im completely loaded too C':

You are on: Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

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