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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game


Trying my best, Kim!

Stamina's gone.

Take that back, party hat got me one more try.
Unfortunately, the timing wasn't great. Folks have tried over multiple rounds instead of all in one, so it kept recovering.

How much do you know? Well, they are the basics..
While all of us take time to recover slowly...

The enemies fully heal every 5 minutes, except for bosses.
I've participated in every Epic Week there's been since fighting became part of it. I think the year before combat was my first?

And I'm the one who started The Armory to help get items into the hands they'd be most useful in.

My best weapon choice currently? I have an axe.

I'm unsure of my best bet...
The weapon you should use is largely based on the color of the enemy. That's actually noted there, too!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Red monsters = axes and honor blades

Axes, no wonder.

Hoping this axe can bring a win!
There's more organized discussion on planning in the main EW chat. Doesn't look like much is going on right now, though. Seems like today's been a pretty quiet day overall, in terms of players.

Sadly yes
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

From the armory: Green monsters: Piercing Type (Dexterous Type) - Slightly improved accuracy and dodging. Ideal against green (or aqua) enemies. May be resisted by red enemies and generally little use against blue enemies.


rapier-icon.png Noble Rapier
energysword-blue-icon.png Energy Sword* (2017, 2020)
technowhip-icon.png High Tech Whip (2019, 2020)
pitchfork-icon.png Pitchfork (2021)

*Energy swords are blue by default, but could have their color changed to green, red, purple, or pink via special crystals.


Max uses: 40
Attack bonus: 3
Damage Dice: 1d8
Damage Bonus: 2
Crit Threshold: 18
Crit Multiplier: 2
AC Bonus: 4

Red monsters: Slashing Type (Heavy Blade Type) - Ideal against red (or pink) enemies. May be resisted by blue enemies. Has most uses before breaking.


battleaxe-icon.png Wicked Battle Axe
honorblade-icon.png Alien Honor Blade* (2017, 2020)


Max uses: 50
Attack bonus: 5
Damage Dice: 2d8
Damage Bonus: 3
Crit Threshold: 20
Crit Multiplier: 3

*Alien Honor Blade (2017, 2020) appears to have a chance to deal a couple points extra damage via insult to honor.

Blue monsters: Energy Type (Gun Type) - Ideal against blue (or purple) enemies. May be resisted by green enemies. Highest damage potential among multi-use weapons, but fewest uses.


raygun-icon.png Ray Gun
flintlock-icon.png Flintlock Pistol (2018, 2020)


Max uses: 20
Attack bonus: 5
Damage Dice: 3d8
Damage Bonus: 4
Crit Threshold: 19
Crit Multiplier: 3


Explosives work on any monster.
I'm trying to be around tonight, fumbling my way around both fighting and farming lol

Explosions, wonderful.

You are on: Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

Moderators: Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Darth_Angelus