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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

But yeah, for most enemies, you'll want to organize with others to take down an enemy in the 5 minute span. If you want to just beat on something in general, the boss doesn't heal, so any attack is meaningful.

What time to await?
Generally, that's not figured out until like 5-10 minutes before the charge is made. ^^;

Oh boy.

I'm fighting alone.

"Rinny_Howler glugs toward Rinny_Howler, but Rinny_Howler backs away just as quickly."

-Nice battling.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Does anyone have a tomato?
So it's good to check in on the other chat now and then if you're wanting to fight. Or just pop in and ask if anyone's feeling up for making a charge. You probably need to heal like lots of others now, though. ^^;

Oof, and I'll find some, Kim.

No luckkk
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Okay, thanks for checking :)

I'll grow some.
I'm trying to play on mobile and it's refusing to let me add coal to the seeder
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Dragging on mobile is all kinds of unreliable. :(
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I did not have much time to refine the mobile experience for this year, I fear.
Yeah I keep putting the artichoke and when I put the coal I'm the artichoke goes back to where it was lmao
It's ok I just was like *shakey eyes emoji*
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Yeah I'm sorry about that!
Oh, Kim. The patch you mentioned. Do you know if any of the specific things you were working on might help with the weird thing with items sometimes doubling then going back to normal in the count? (Like, I'm pretty sure I've seen some double past their stack limit, even.) Or how the number on one or two might sometimes vanish while you're "holding" something to move it around?
Been lots of other little quirks, too, but... always weird little things where it's hard to even figure out if there might be a totally normal answer. Like how I keep thinking my "active item" is switching on me, but I might just not be paying enough attention and forgetting to switch it to the one I want.

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