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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Probably not this one, no.

Well everyone, I'm turning in for tonight! I have a tomato plant growing at the farmland, first field for you, Kim, and I'm currently growing other things like wheat. I'll see you all tomorrow, and be safe. Rinny, signing off.
Have a good night. :)
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Your number bar and your scroll wheel can both change which item is active, could you be accidentally bumping a number while trying for w or e?
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Night night Rinny! :D
If you're asking my, no, I've been using the arrow keys, and my hands usually aren't around any keys while I'm dragging stuff around. It's consistently been tied to my mouse clicks.
can you split item stacks, though?
The vanishing number thing hasn't been a problem, though, just an oddity.
Yeah, the button under the drop. Little divided square.
Sometimes it takes a little time to process, though, or needs an extra click.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

So... the inventory on the server is the ultimate arbiter of what you really have or haven't. I let the game make some guesses about your inventory client-side to try and make picking things up feel instant, but it isn't, it has to do a round-trip to the server to confirm that you picked it up and not someone else, etc. The doubling of numbers that is then quickly undoubled is generally the client-side way overestimating what's going on, then syncing with the server and realizing it was wrong.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

It's not totally clear to me where the best balance between a speedy experience vs. absolute accuracy is yet. I've adjusted it a couple of times so far this week and I feel like I'm getting closer, but obviously not there yet.
1. That would explain why I often see things momentarily appear in my inventory when someone else picked a thing up.

2. The item doubling isn't specific to picking things up. It'll be stuff I've been carrying around in the same stack for awhile. It'll just... sometimes be doubled. Usually just a click on something, or a reopening, or using a thing will put all the numbers back to normal. I think I've also just plain lost a few more things, but circumstances make it too hard to tell what actually happened (if I was misremembering something, or accidentally dropped a thing that someone else immediately picked up, etc).
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

You can force the inventory to re-sync immediately by expanding and shrinking the inventory. That can help work around some of the oddities.
It does. Occasionally it doesn't, and a refresh may or may not take care of it after that. That is, putting things to the way I think they were supposed to be.
i wish the numbers were bigger though
How big a stack can be, you mean?
nope., then numbers that show how many items there is on a stack
visually speaking

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