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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

Unless you mean just how many you have at this moment, that's what I meant. How many items are allowed in a stack. ^^;
No, you mean the point size.
For me, it's had they're kinda faded and at double digit start slipping behind other items, so it's hard to tell, for example, if I've got 2 or 20 of a thing.
*how, not had
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Thanks for the strawberries Church, I just made 7 fruit salads :)
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I just sent 1,827 worth of food points :D
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Does anyone have any bacon or gold?
I have plenty gold. Gimme a moment to get in.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Thank you! :)
Couple nights I've binge-mined. One time I actually found 3 gold rocks on one round of the areas.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Ahh the new patch makes hoeing about 50% less frustrating
Awesome. :D
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Okay, I've pushed out close to 5k food points tonight. Gonna hit the hay :)
Rest well, dear queen!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

<3 <3 <3

i must fix da corn

but alas corn farmer must rest
Zelphyr, can I take the garlic seeds?

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