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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

I have to bounce for now, but there is a LOT of unwatered wheat on the screen to the right of the camp, where the chickens and cows are!
I've watered a few but there's a bunch that still need watering! see you guys later!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

See you! :D
Once my current patch is done (sooo close) I'll pop over and try to hit what I can up there with my buckets. ^^
OOps! I was the one who planted all that! I fell asleep! Sorry!
I'm gonna work on shelters for a while
unless you guys want me to work on food, it doesn't matter to much to me
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I'm working on shelters too :) It's much needed right now
Alright then that is what I shall dO!
typo :(
Why is there Iron everywhere on the ground?
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I mined it all up in the hopes that some regular rock would spawn instead ;)
Heh, we really need the coin trader :D
oh I collected the iron so it wouldn't go to waste
wasn't sure if there was a despawn mechanic
I think there's no despawn mechanic, since I've seen many items for very long time.
Ah alrigh
Also chicken and cows drop milk and eggs and they go nowhere.
I didn't know they dropped things to be honest

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