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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Excellent idea! :D
Kim wrote:
Excellent idea! :D
also my version of the game is updated, i can toggle names, but the button to open up this as a live chat isn't in.
I've got seeds for both
Minioma wrote:
I've got seeds for both
i've gotten myself going already, i'm good. but thank you
Hey Galaxy, those Artichokes and Garlic are for one specific recipe, in case if you want to make them.
oh okay
any one have milk or butter?
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I think I have one milk in my chest, hold on :)
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Sorry got sidetracked with fighting, on my way now
thank you and it's okay

Looks like the beautiful Kim is still hard at work!
we're almost to 12 hour projections on food.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Nice work! :D
I'm back! There's so much food since I've left, amazing job!

Well, good afternoon and welcome back!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Welcome back! :)
Thanks guys! :D
good heavens this watermelon is slow

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