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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game


I don't think I'll be able to make more pies on my own
I don't have flour, but I have butter if someone wants that.

and I have radishes I haven't used if anyone needs them
I'm gonna leave some stuff behind the tent; my internet is absolutely not having it tonight :'D
Okay, that's enough for tonight! Grab what you need from behind the tent, I apparently had way too many tomatoes than I had any business carrying around so
Night and good luck!
Good I see tomatoes requested fairly often.

Animals nearly fed. still need 13 feed for cows and 17 forchickens
I just extracted wheat seeds and they disappeared from my inventory 0.o

Animals are fed and there is plently of milk and eggs coming
Sometimes closing and opening your inventory will fix it. Sometimes it takes a refresh.
good job angelus!
Bwah, thank you.
Hmm, still gone. :O

Now to walk away now that I have my butter and cheese so the rest don't go in my inventory :P
good heavens it's hard to get coal, i just need 5 more to have enough buns
I have some purified water I'm not using

I have coal. Where are ya?
Coal for buns...?
You want?

You are on: Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

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