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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

Coal for water for buns
Oh, the purified water. Yeah, I have tons of coal. There's too much around if you're on late enough.

I can also give you mine if you want. I can always do a bunch of water tomorrow.
Seriously, I have over 100 coal. >.>
coal for purified water, purified water for buns, and i got what i needed, just gotta get 15 garlic and 15 lettuce
Kazue, don't know if you're in here, but that ore is lost. It won't come back from the river. ^^;
I'll find a way
Is it bothering you, or is there something you actually need in there?
I miined some gold and it yeeted itself right in
Yeah, it's not coming back. But I can give you some gold.
no it's fine

I have returned, my friends.
Boot wot's gould if et's noot mained froom ya oon hands in tha mountains o' yer hoomland?
i have so many pitchforks i could open a store that caters towards angry mobs.
*Shrek music plays*

I have a Zelphyr (aka a person that really helped me)
D'aww. XD

If you have too many weapons or such, you could always send your extras to The Epic Armory! :)

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