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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

the grilled artichokes take garlic and an artichoke, thats it. 18 food per
So I have a field of 27 artichoke, and 27 garlic that I plant
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Magnakor: min/max farmer XD
I have a little spreadsheet of all the food recipes I've tested. xD
And their respective food values vs costs to craft
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I knew someone would!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Make it a google doc and share it XD
I've got that first post in the thread that's acting as a guide. I'll be putting it there by the time I'm done.
What are the water cycle tickrates? It feels like 5 minutes
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

As in, how often do you need to re-water?
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I believe it's set to water on a crop lasting 10 minutes
Magnakor wrote:
Thats why I'm focusing just on one food, that has the least components, and still has decent food value.

I just want to say that I have seen you farming and it is a thing of beauty.
Why thank you, Dndmama! Here's my last harvest, after breaking down for seeds again, and the yield of foods.
anyone got spare buckets? I don't have any iron ore to make more
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I have some iron ore I can give you!
Woona, meet me at the main campfire, I can give you some iron.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Or Mag can XD
Quite welcome!
I made a few too many pickaxes but given the stone spawnrate it's just overkill

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