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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

It freed up another space in my poor storage chest. Which is so overly full its not funny
very glad to find monocles in this game
would be nice if you could make charcoal from logs though
True, but you can use wood for smelting, so charcoal only gets used for water/steel
I need to ask if the people standing in the top corner mean anything or if they're just there :'D
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I turned the stone spawn rate up again slightly
I think top left means afk
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

@FishyFrisk - That's an artifact of the game detecting people on other maps. I can't seem to convince it it does not need to display them for ANY amount of time.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

This is my first MMO it's a bit rough sorry gang XD
with just the glasses i looked like i just stepped out of Reddit
Oof I was wondering! Just making sure, just in case it might have been a secret quest XD
I think the server is having some trouble keeping up :D
I think so yeah, but it's a testament to how fun it is, I think! :'D
@Magnakor I don't know if you're keeping tabs but spaghetti is worth 30 food at the moment!
I'm kind of confused as to why crops are being removed, I thought it was because they wouldn't grow again but I've watched them grow again before.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Once harvested they don't regrow.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Except for the one single time they were bugged and I revived a few of them XD
that's weird because I've definitely regrown the same crops a couple times today lol
And scrambled tofu is worth 21 food!
my axe is magically regaining hp

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