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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

diggy diggy hole
I'm hunting for gold to buy a meat chop, but I think I can hand over the ingredients for spaghetti if anyone has one!
I can drop some gold
I just need a single coin, but you don't have to!
meet is 2 gold
I know! I have one coin :'D
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

We need reactions. I want to be able to bubble hearts out of my head when I see other farmers.
I think some else took it by accident, Zelphyr ;u;
Where are you? I have some I can spare.
Well darn. It was 4. ^^;
You guys it's okay, when I get back from work, most of you guys will be waking up, so it'll probably be easier to grab gold then. I'm really sorry about your gold though! :(
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

! There's a whole smithing setup, including a water purifier in the quarry!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Do we need more milk, or eggs? I have a bit of feed I can chuck into one of the roughs
Gold for you, Frisk
Thank you so much!!
Yeah! Let me know if you need any more. Turns out I can't buy a yacht in this simulator, so I guess the next best thing is philanthropy.
And another spaget has been made! c:
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I'm organizing some murder over in the other chat again if any farmers want to do some violence ;)

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