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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

Animal feed is the only reason I'm still farming. Other than just... random watering and hoeing.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

FishyFrisk, what do you do for work? I want to picture you at work making digital spaghetti
Unfortunately and ironically I'm an English proofreader, but I'm moving on as a motion graphics animator soon, if I nail my interview! :D
...oh wait, I guess that does mean I can make digital spaghetti, if I animate it? XD
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Do all the spaghetti tweens
And yes, Kim, the quarry seemed like a good spot for craft stuff. :)
(I only did 2 items there though.)
...Is it me or are the cows and chickens shy—
All of the animals are. Except the cow that sometimes breaks free.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

That cow is super pushy.
you can bring the Cow back by playing a trombone, i bet
I hear it takes a bell.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

We need help over in the other chat XD
I ran out of stamina ;u;
gonna summon this Rohan's worth of cows into the fight
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

That sounds potentially very helpful.
I love these videos so much, just cows running over to enjoy a private concert :'D

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