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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

Boulders with either red streaks or red bumps produce iron, those with black bumps or are completely black produce coal, and those with gold streaks or gold bumps produce gold.
might help towards the userguide quest
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I looooooooove that sketch
lol that sketch sums it up :D
Thanks guys XD
you should post it for the comic contest!!!
The multicolored confetti you find in fields is actually varietal seeds. Planting them gives you a random sprout.
You could probably still use them as confetti though.
It's just a single panel though, so it's just for the memes, but thank you! <3 c':
I gotta go I think! Good luck you guys!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Bye Fishy! :D
never thought id say this but i think...i have too much coal
ugh i think i took someone's rocks
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

We appear to be suffering from a shelter shortage
im on it
what're the hammers used for?
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Knocking down construction sites/buildings/furniture that the players have made, if they decide it's in the wrong spot
Grand, I think that was me, but I think you did more than I did. I intentionally walked away. ^^

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