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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game


Oh no, you were right! Just like a real weed!
i never had a weed
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Hey friends, the red seal is not blocked for the next 15 minutes or so... now is a great time for everyone to go pop one party hat into the collection node:
I couldn't till or grow that little green sprout, so I slapped it out of the garden plot with a hoe. Kim said it'd come right back if I switched maps and lo and behold - there it is.
i don't do other events so I gave all 8 of my hats
okay back to schook work people who are working the farm with me please remember to make seeds
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Awesome, thanks!

I have acquired an iron bar. This is a good day.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

A most excellent day!
Kim I have issues with the river

My inventory just doubled-

Oh I saw that river
all the rocks and iron I am hitting nearby falls into the water out of reach
The wishing well no one realized they wanted.
Putting wheat seeds in the center cause I gtg and have no time to plant

Did I just steal someone's corn-
Hey. Does anyone happen to need a steel pickaxe, or desire some other steel tool?
Or buckets. Also happy to make extra buckets.

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