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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

You're lucky so few people are around, then. Lotta folks don't seem to realize they're stealing from others when they grab whatever they can.
stealing? You mean alternative procurement methods?
Not really "alternative" so much as just faster without the work. XD
I can give you some wheat seeds. I got some excess
If you want, but I still have some stored.
I'll drop a stack on spawn. you can take it if you want
Kind of you. Even if it might just be to contribute to your nefarious plans.
You are beginning to understand
Wood is not a building material but valuable seed fuel
I thought about telling Kim, but coming from RS, it seems pretty dangerous that planned buildings block the square
You can trap someone for the low price of 4 logs
oTGOOC0.png Wheat supremacy achieved
Should use that for the one quest. :P
What quest
One of the quests under "Cheer" is to play... basically this game, and looks like it wants a picture as proof.
Also... congrats on covering the smallest plot in wheat. :P
the other ones are in use :D
Not all of them. But I'm only teasing anyway. ^^
I'm just idling because co-worker messed up git-stuff and I've got time on my hands :c
Fun fun.

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