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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

No idea what a meal credit is. :)
Nor what counts as "the good stuff" in cereal...?
Name brands
Yeah, I can't remember a time I bought a name brand cereal.
Meal credits are like, what you get in meals in food. It's taken out of your loans and whatnot
Mm. Didn't have that at the school I went to. Had to fend for ourselves.
I fairly literally lived off blood money. (Compensation from plasma donations.)
I'm in Illinois. Our colleges are required to have stuff like this.
Also, all I get from blood donations is a donut or cookie lol
Blood doesn't compensate. Plasma does.
I think it's technically for your "time," since it takes to blasted long.
Ah. Guess that makes more sense.
I've done a ton of blood donations. It's good being an O+.
A ton being about 9 now.
I can do ya better. I'm O-.
But I'm not allowed to donate whole blood thanks to a false positive on one way back in high school. Universal donor, go figure.
Anyway... fooooood... of some sort...
oops, sorry
That's okay! I threw back your potato!

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