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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

Nah, sorry. Just started lol
That's okay! I gotta go for now, but the cows have been fed, so there should be milk at some point! Good luck guys!

They seem to really like a cartload of drinkable water and food

Added some feed to the chickens
i don't know who planted all that wheat but, holy crap that must have taken FOREVER
I know them... They are cool!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Good morning everyone! :)
hello Miss help lady!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Hello hello! :D
me and another user have started a wheat empire!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

It is truly a thing of wonder to behold! :O
Kim can we get extra storage somehow?
and there we go, last of the wheat
Auberon Moderator

Don't mind me just dropping gold coins intermittently
Auberon Moderator

I don't know what the current farming strategy is, so I just enjoy gathering materials. :)

Alright, got a little time before class to play! Time to farm!
The tree punching could be reduces a little. I think.
i swear EVERY time i try to get tomatoes i run out of inventory and someone else sucks em up

Let me plant some for ya.

Or actually, I can drop the 3 I have.

You are on: Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

Moderators: Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Darth_Angelus