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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

this is an odd tile
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I'll try again to make the hitboxes less finicky.
i think its registering the attempt, but for whatever reason it isnt doing anything
ive tried it from several angles and i do get the planting sound every time
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

On refreshing, I see that it is not currently tilled
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

There we go, tilled and then planted.
How to get eggs or milk a cow
make feed with wheat and corn and put it in the feed thing, and the milk/eggs will pop out at the side of the fencing
Waaah, I found some gold and I don't have the right pick!
Is gold used only for coins to buy seeds and such?
As far as I know? But also to buy meat, which you can't farm.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Okay I just pushed an update, the inventory should be slightly less prone to temporarily vanishing things a second after pick-up
Hey, thanks, monocle guy! Did you want to share?
Okay, so no need to hoard money :D
nah im good
hey kim will this well placement up here interfere with crops at all
Well, I'm very grateful! It's time to buy steak >:D
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

It shouldn't, no.

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