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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

you might need a stone, I'm not positive
they are lost :c
Bwaha. Okay! Luckily when I mined new ones, they floated up to me. If you stand still, things should float back to you, FYI Juls! :)
Next year maybe we can build a boat! ;)
Oh, no worries, I have already a steel pickaxe, thanks
By the way, if you wander around in the forest, you can get random seeds and some berries! :)
⛵ 🍒 🌱
Uh, helpful tip to anyone who thought it was a good idea... You can't extract seeds from wild berries.
have you ever SEEN something so beautiful
It's gorgeous.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Now let's do corn next to it and fatten up those animals
I believe that's for cows and chicks, right?
zenfey if you're here i demand an immediate tribute of pizza sauce for the AUDACITY to INTERFERE with the TOMATO MAN'S TOMATOES
I accidentally stuck my pickaxe.... Into the smelter *facepalm* time to go to PC mode and get it out! 😂

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