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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

Yup yup.
No spare bacon atm, Angelus!

I like this cause it reminds me of Harvest Moon and I miss it.
I did however plant 3 units of apology carrots for the person whose carrots I may have stolen earlier. So if you are missing carrots, come and get 'em.
my avatar here is way nicer than Minecraft
(Ooh, which one? I played Island of Happiness for years!)
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

The avatars are friggin' delightful
little Tus looks like a ranger all in green
I'm about to drop some items. Including gold.

the game boy one. (Small flip square.) forgot the name
That means you and Rogue gotta fight, Tus :O
Ah, cool. <3

Hey, Kim, any chances we can make the clothing for all avatar types?
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

The avatars are all different shapes, so every time I convert one from, say, the female base to the androgynous base, it requires editing it across nearly 40 frames. So, I did as many as I could in the time I had available. With more time, we can convert more :) No chance it'll get done for this Epic Week though.
Mine needs a quiver, bow and arrows, a green hooded cloak and voila

Ok, no problem, don't stress yourself.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Some of the mods who do art commissions have been talking very excitedly about wanting to generate a storm of new clothing and hair and accessories if the maps stick around.

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

So I think we will see more variety in every way over time. :)
Ah, Minioma, you and Thatnerdychick have been a big help with the crops! :O *hugs with armsful of vegetables*

You are on: Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

Moderators: Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Darth_Angelus