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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

Hng, and I must be missing so much fun conversation! Like, I've barely glanced at the research stuff. ^^;
yes! not being alone is great
The research is amazing, although it's also time consuming. I'm planning to do a recap of what I know tonight, since I didn't really get around to it last night. <3
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I really really look forward to reading that!
Thank you so much! That's encouraging to hear. XD Err, read.
Does anyone know if some foods do more points than others, or if they're for fun and shenanigans only?
Hey Kim, in case if you happen to know how to fix this / or someone who knows how to fix this, would it be possible to make it so that the furnace or other machines won't consume wood and coal if there's nothing to smelt. Lost a few coals by just leaving my things to smelt while doing something else.
Shiny - Someone determined that yes, some food are work more than others. The one who has done the most to make a guide for this little game. Forgot name. x.x
Ah, the one who wrote the Farming and You is Tusitala2017, I believe?
I didn't read the latest bits, though. Thanks!! :)
Did Tusi also write a thing? No, person posted around the start of this thread. ^^;
Magna-something...? I'd look, but attention is very split.
Oh, mymymy. So many guides! And guidance guys and gals!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Magnakor and Tusitala both wrote guides. Magnakor's is the second post in this thread, Tus' is a separate thread
I tip my 500 hats to you!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Have you chipped in an empty bottle to the collection 2 symbol yet? Or a party hat to collection 1?
I have not! I sent a few out from the armory, but I haven't been paying attention to... The gate, or ForOhFor
Be right back.... :D

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