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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game


I threw in a few bunches, but forgot to check my damage.

now all we need as an over abundance of drops of the pitchfork weapon

yes. Or be able to make them and have an option to use them as weapons
Pitchforks are a weapon this year.
And you can send out more via Doubutt. ;)

Seems like they like fresh veggies to
Dragonfire Moderator

If you haven't donated an empty bottle or a party hat to the collection symbols, now's the time!
Dragonfire Moderator

Dragonfire Moderator

My apologies, that second link should've been
mind if i try to fill the far right large field with egg plants since they can be cooked on their own?
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I'm sure no one will mind :)
I mean, last night, I helped someone take over all three large fields for just... wheat.
oh. so thats how it happened. took an hour to clear XD
I imagine much bread and stuff was made. XD

But yeah:
ehehhee.. i just dumped in into the food cart and sent it. sorry

I've been fighting to keep the corn and wheat fields alive all day ahaha
Aw. Making food probably would have gotten more points. ^^;
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Yeah raw wheat is not worth much in terms of food points >.>
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

It's very important for recipes and animal feed though

You are on: Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

Moderators: Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Darth_Angelus