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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

like those old ones where as you move space by space the enemy does. you pick up random items and various mascots could play the roles of different types of vendors
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I used to be absolutely obsessed with Castle of the Winds back in the day
my dad had this old. atari game i think. fatal labyrinth. you hand randomly generated everything which each floor being harder than the last, but the gear you cold find being better as well. as a touch of morbidity when you eventually bit the dust it would show your funeral with some people, the farther you made it the more people showed up
Hey guys! I was wondering about something I hadn't seen covered in the guides' guides: When you give only a few feed to a cow, will it still give you milk? I gave 2 feed to a cow, and it did nothing, but when I came back around an hour later there were 3 milks floating around. Did someone else get these? Were they mine that I didn't wait long enough to get? Does anyone know the moostery mystery?

It's a shared resource! When the cows or chickens have feed in their bin (up to a 50 stack), they will periodically put out eggs and milk. You kinda just gotta stand there and stare at 'em for a while until you get what you need.

I've been spoiling them best I can by keeping 'em fed this evening, so they should be plenty productive!

I see the Bessie returned from the refuge camp

*That Bessie
Thank you for doing the thing I meant to do but have not kept to. ^^;

It's hard to keep up with between maintaining crops and making feed, they're hungry moo-moos!
I'm juggling multiple things already, but I might come help out in awhile.
Awesome, thanks very much! I'll try to keep that in mind.
Zelphyr, I've never seen you not working your butt off, so if you're resting that's good. *huff*
slowly making progress on the egg plants. need to go collect more fuel for the extractor
Maybe because you just don't see me when I'm being more lazy. XD
If you say so >.> >.> <.<
When you accidentally almost steal a boss's pumpkin OvO
.. you can refil buckets from the river?
Yep. :)

Yeah! :D
wish i knew that beforehand

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